Imagined reality-01
I remember that one of the reasons I, as a little kid, became a big fan of the Batman was his ability to design and wield some of the best form of weaponry I had seen.
I’d never let an old electronic equipment be trashed; finding ways to break it open, salvage whatever was useful and keep the random assortment of parts safe with me, waiting for the summer holidays to start fabricating tools.
One such dream project was that of a Grapple Gun.
Obviously, I couldn’t build one for myself; you’d see me on rooftops had I succeeded.
But what I did succeed in building was a strong sense of imagination, experimentation, and creation.
That process of searching for new, fighting with constraints, and engineering a dream has stayed with me.
How a work of fiction, such as that of Batman, can affect the positive development of personality, in this case that of an engineer, is something that I consider absolutely wholesome.